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Can the Xbox Series X play DVDs?

The Series X comes with a disc drive, but can it play DVDs?

xbox series x with a green glow
Image: KnowTechie

Quick Answer: Yes, the Xbox Series X disk drive can play DVDs. You will have to download the “Blu-ray Player” app from the Xbox Store on your console, but the console prompts you to download the first time inserting a DVD.

The Xbox Series X is Microsoft’s entry to the ninth generation of gaming consoles.

Released alongside its rival PS5, the Xbox Series X is a powerful machine with tons of new technology that looks to bring gaming to the next level.

With a lot of Microsoft’s focus on digital content and cloud-based services like Xbox Cloud Gaming (xCloud), some people may wonder if the console leaves some older technologies in the past.

The Xbox Series X doesn’t leave all older technology in the past, though.

The console launched with thousands of backward compatible titles, and many of those games have seen a performance boost.

But what about other technologies, such as DVDs? The console has a disc drive, so can you play your old DVD collection with it?

So, can Xbox Series X play DVDs?

Short Answer: Yes

The Xbox Series X disc drive is a fully functioning DVD drive.

ℹ️ You will have to download the “Blu-ray Player” app from the Microsoft Store on your console, but the console should prompt you to do that the first time you enter a media disc.

blue ray plaer app on xbox series x to play DVD
Image: KnowTechie

How to play DVDs on Xbox Series X

Thankfully, the Xbox Series X DVD player is easy to set up. The first thing you need to do is get the Blu-ray player app.

To download the Blu-ray Player app from your Xbox, follow these steps:

  1. Press the Xbox button, select Home, and then select Store.

  2. In the search field, search for Blu-ray, and select Blu-ray Player app.

  3. From here, tap download, and the app will install itself on your Xbox

⚠️ If you don’t see the Store app listed, scroll to the bottom and select ‘Add More.’ Select Store, then add the Store tile to your Home screen.

Additionally, inserting a DVD for the first time on your console gets you to the install page faster. Here’s how it works:

  1. Insert a DVD into your Xbox.
  2. When prompted, select the Blu-ray Player app.
  3. Choose Install on the Blu-ray Player app details page.
  4. After installation, your disc should start playing.

With the Xbox’s ability to play DVDs, you can dust off that old Lord of the Rings: Extended Edition set and pop them into your console for a nice 12-hour movie binge.

Just a note: Here at KnowTechie, we refer to Microsoft’s ninth-gen consoles as Xbox Series X|S

for convenience and simplification, but there is one major difference.

The Xbox Series S is digital-only and doesn’t come with a disc drive, so you won’t be able to play DVDs on the Series S.

So, if you’re in the market for a new console, make sure it can play your DVDs. But if an Xbox is your next choice, it’s good to know you can play DVDs on Xbox

Series X.

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